Cygnus公司产品涵盖了E.Coli大肠杆菌宿主蛋白残留、CHO细胞宿主蛋白残留、HEK293细胞宿主蛋白残留、Vero细胞宿主蛋白残留以及细胞培养添加物如BSA残留、Protein A残留、insulin胰岛素残留等的检测试剂盒。
This ELISA incorporates some improvements over the Cat. #F050 and F050H kits and is designed to better detect the newer, unnatural constructs of Protein A such as the MabSelect SuReTM ligand sold by GE Healthcare. If you are using a recombinant form of Protein A with very significant structural differences from natural Protein A such as MabSelect SuReTM you should use the Catalog #F400 kit. Since this kit has been released, 2 newer Protein A assays, known as Mix-N-Go methods, have been developed. These new methods eliminate the sample boiling and centrifugation steps. Instead, a special sample treatment reagent is used that allows for accurate detection of Protein A in the presence of your sample antibody. The Cat. #F600 kit uses standards calibrated against natural and conserved recombinant forms of Protein A. The Cat. #F610 kit uses standards calibrated to unnatural constructs of Protein A such as GE Healthcare's MabSelect SuReTM.
F400 Protein A ELISA kit 蛋白AELISA检测试剂盒 较之早期同类产品进行了一些改进以便更好地识别新型经修饰的非天然结构蛋白,例如GE Healthcare出售的MabSelect SuReTM配体等。如果您使用的是重组蛋白,且与天然蛋白存在显著的结构差异(如MabSelect SuReTM等),则应该选用此试剂盒,如果您是首次使用我们的蛋白A检测产品,我们建议您选择此试剂盒,因为它的操作性、稳定性和精度都高于老款试剂盒。检出限~50pg/ml。我们改进了样品处理步骤,减少了繁琐的移液操作,从而提高了样本处理效率。新方法提高了检测精度和稳定性。配有微孔板离心机的实验室现在可以同时处理多达96个样本,新产品用96孔PCR板和密封贴代替了单个的离心管,新操作也最大限度减少了处理离心管时对颗粒状变性蛋白的无意破坏。